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“Lisa’s intuitive guidance and support during the development of my business has been invaluable. I can always depend on her to not sugar-coat things by telling me what I want to hear, but rather what I NEED to hear to get the results I want.

In addition to being a wealth of knowledge with all things business, one of the things I appreciate most about Lisa, who is on her own spiritual path, is her encouragement for me to remain true to my vision and not be afraid to use spirituality as part of my brand.”

Martini S.

“After years of being in business for myself, I hired Lisa as a last resort, because I had all of the parts but they weren’t screwed together in a way that flowed enough to get the train moving forward. Lisa has, in essence, painstakingly and patiently helped me to figure out what pieces were missing, where to hook things together, what to let go of, and how to start the engine up for real.

Lisa Grantham is the real deal. Everything she writes and says is truth. She walks every single step of her talk.
I can proudly say that working with her has been the real magick that has propelled me into my prosperity and success as a business owner. She is a role model for coaches, actually. Lisa is a fearless, kind, loving, strong powerhouse of a coach who will tell you like it is and make it feel like a hug.”

Oceana LeBlanc